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Jeremy’s notes on fastai coding style


This is a brief discussion of fastai’s coding style, which is loosely informed by (a much diluted version of) the ideas developed over the last 60 continuous years of development in the APL / J / K programming communities, along with Jeremy’s personal experience contributing to programming language design and library development over the last 25 years. The style is particularly designed to be aligned with the needs of scientific programming and iterative, experimental development.

Everyone has strong opinions about coding style, except perhaps some very experienced coders, who have used many languages, who realize there’s lots of different perfectly acceptable approaches. The python community has particularly strongly held views, on the whole. I suspect this is related to Python being a language targeted at beginners, and therefore there are a lot of users with limited experience in other languages; however this is just a guess. Anyway, I don’t much mind what coding style you use when contributing to fastai, as long as:

  • You don’t change existing code to reduce its compliance with this style guide (especially: don’t use an automatic linter / formatter!)
  • You make some basic attempt to make your code not wildly different from the code that surrounds it.

Having said that, I do hope that you find the ideas in this style guide at least a little thought provoking, and that you consider adopting them to some extent when contributing to this library.

My personal approach to coding style is informed heavily by Iverson’s Turing Award (the “Nobel of computer science”) lecture of 1979, Notation as a Tool For Thought. If you can find the time, the paper is well worth reading and digesting carefully (it’s one of the most important papers in computer science history), representing the development of an idea that found its first expression in the release of APL in 1964. Iverson says:

The thesis of the present paper is that the advantages of executability and universality found in programming languages can be effectively combined, in a single coherent language, with the advantages offered by mathematical notation

One key idea in the paper is that “brevity facilitates reasoning”, which has been incorporated into various guidelines such as “shorten lines of communication”. This is sometimes incorrectly assumed to just mean ‘terseness’, but it is a much deeper idea, as described in this Hacker News thread. I can’t hope to summarize this thinking here, but I can point out a couple of key benefits:

  • It supports expository programming, particularly when combined with the use of Jupyter Notebook or a similar tool designed for experimentation
  • The most productive programmers I’m aware of in the world, such as the extraordinary Arthur Whitney often use this coding style (which may or may not be a coincidence!)

Style Guide

Python has over time incorporated a number of ideas that make it more amenable to this form of programming, such as:

  • List, dictionary, generator, and set comprehensions
  • Lambda functions
  • Python 3.6 interpolated format strings
  • Numpy array-based programming.

Although Python will always be more verbose than many languages, by using these features liberally, along with some simple rules of thumb, we can aim to keep all the key ideas for one semantic concept in a single screen on code. This is one of my main goals when programming

I find it very hard to understand a concept if I have to jump around the place to put the bits together. (Or as Arthur Whitney says “I hate scrolling”!)

Symbol naming

  • Follow standard Python casing guidelines (CamelCase classes, under_score for most everything else).
  • In general, aim for what Perl designer Larry Wall describes as metaphorically as Huffman Coding:
In metaphorical honor of Huffman’s compression code that assigns smaller numbers of bits to more common bytes. In terms of syntax, it simply means that commonly used things should be shorter, but you shouldn’t waste short sequences on less common constructs.
  • A fairly complete list of abbreviations is in; if you see anything missing, feel free to edit this file.
  • For example, that in computer vision code, where we say ‘size’ and ‘image’ all the time, we use shortened forms sz and img. Or in NLP code, we would say lm instead of ‘language model’
  • Use o for an object in a comprehension, i for an index, and k and v for a key and value in a dictionary comprehension.
  • Use x for a tensor input to an algorithm (e.g. layer, transform, etc), unless interoperating with a library where this isn’t the expected behavior (e.g. if writing a pytorch loss function, use input and target as is standard for that library).
  • Take a look at the naming conventions in the part of code you’re working on, and try to stick with them. E.g. in fastai.transforms you’ll see ‘det’ for ‘deterministic’, ‘tfm’ for ‘transform’, and ‘coord’ for coordinate.
  • Assume the coder has knowledge of the domain in which you’re working
    • For instance, use kl_divergence not kullback_leibler_divergence; or (like pytorch) use nll not negative_log_liklihood. If the coder doesn’t know these terms, they will need to look them up in the docs anyway and learn the concepts; if they do know the terms, the abbreviations will be well understood
    • When implementing a paper, aim to follow the paper’s nomenclature, unless it’s inconsistent with other widely-used conventions. E.g. conv1 not first_convolutional_layer

Although it’s hard to design a really compelling experiment for this kind of thing, there is some interesting research supporting the idea that overly long symbol names negatively impact code comprehension.


  • Code should be less wide than the number of characters that fill a standard modern small-ish screen (currently 1600x1200) at 14pt font size. That means around 160 characters. Following this rule will mean very few people will need to scroll sideways to see your code. (If they’re using a jupyter notebook theme that restricts their cell width, that’s on them to fix!)
  • One line of code should implement one complete idea, where possible
  • Generally therefore an if part and its 1-line statement should be on one line, using : to separate
  • Using the ternary operator x = y if a else b can help with this guideline
  • If a 1-line function body comfortably fits on the same line as the def section, feel free to put them together with :
  • If you’ve got a bunch of 1-line functions doing similar things, they don’t need a blank line between them
def det_lighting(b, c): return lambda x: lighting(x, b, c)
def det_rotate(deg): return lambda x: rotate_cv(x, deg)
def det_zoom(zoom): return lambda x: zoom_cv(x, zoom)
  • Aim to align statement parts that are conceptually similar. It allows the reader to quickly see how they’re different. E.g. in this code it’s immediately clear that the two parts call the same code with different parameter orders.
if x = stretch_cv(x,, 0)
else:                         x = stretch_cv(x, 0,
  • Put all your class member initializers together using destructuring assignment. When doing so, use no spaces after the commas, but spaces around the equals sign, so that it’s obvious where the LHS and RHS are.,self.denorm,self.norm,self.sz_y = sz,denorm,normalizer,sz_y
  • Avoid using vertical space when possible, since vertical space means you can’t see everything at a glance. For instance, prefer importing multiple modules on one line.
import PIL, os, numpy as np, math, collections, threading
  • Indent with 4 spaces. (In hindsight I wish I’d picked 2 spaces, like Google’s style guide, but I don’t feel like going back and changing everything…)
  • When it comes to adding spaces around operators, try to follow notational conventions such that your code looks similar to domain specific notation. E.g. if using pathlib, don’t add spaces around / since that’s not how we write paths in a shell. In an equation, use spacing to lay out the separate parts of an equation so it’s as similar to regular math layout as you can.
  • Avoid trailing whitespace


  • fastai is designed to show off the best of what’s possible. So try to ensure that your implementation of an algorithm is at least as fast, accurate, and concise as other versions that exist (if they do), and use a profiler to check for hotspots and optimize them as appropriate (if the code takes more than a second to run in practice).
  • Try to ensure that your algorithm scales nicely; specifically, it should work in 16GB RAM on arbitrarily large datasets. That will generally mean using lazy data structures such as generators, and not pulling everything in to a list.
  • Add a comment that provides the equation number from the paper that you’re implementing in the appropriate part of the code.
  • Use numpy/pytorch broadcasting, not loops, where possible.
  • Use numpy/pytorch advanced indexing, not specialized indexing methods, where possible.
  • Don’t submit a PR that implements the latest hot paper until you’ve actually tried using it on a few datasets, compared it to existing approaches, and confirmed it’s actually useful in practice! Ideally, include a notebook as a gist link with your PR showing these results.

Other stuff

  • Feel free to assume the latest version of python and key libraries is installed. But do mention in the PR and docs if you’re relying on something that’s only a couple of months old (including recently fixed bugs). Don’t rely on any unreleased or beta versions however.
  • Avoid comments unless they are necessary to tell the reader why you’re doing something. To tell them how you’re doing it, use symbol names and clear expository code.
  • If you’re implementing a paper or following some other external document, include a link to it in your code.
  • If you’re using nearly all the stuff provided by a module, just import *. There’s no need to list all the things you are importing separately! To avoid exporting things which are really meant for internal use, define __all__. (As I write this, we’re not currently following the __all__ guideline, and welcome PRs to fix this.)
  • Assume the user has a modern editor or IDE and knows how to use it. E.g. if they want to browse the methods and classes, they can use code folding - they don’t need to rely on having two lines between classes. If they want to see the definition of a symbol they can jump to the reference/tag, then don’t need a list of imports at the top of the file. And so forth…
  • Don’t use an automatic linter like autopep8 or formatter like yapf. No automatic tool can lay out your code with the care and domain understanding that you can. And it’ll break all the care and domain understanding that previous contributors have used in that file!
  • Keep your PRs small, and for anything controversial or tricky discuss it on the forums first.
  • When submitting a PR on a notebook, don’t re-run the whole thing such that the diff ends up with changes for every bit of meta-data. Just change the bits of code you have to, and double-check the diff only contains those code changes before you push.


  • We haven’t figured out something we’re happy with here yet. We’re working on it…
  • My ideal would be to have a decorator with a single line of documentation that links to a more detailed markdown doc.

Fastai Abbreviation Guide

As mentioned in the fastai style, we name symbols following the Huffman Coding principle, which basically means

Commonly used and generic concepts should be named shorter. You shouldn’t waste short sequences on less common concepts.

Fastai also follows the life-cycle naming principle:

The shorter life a symbol, the shorter name it should have.

which means:

  • Aggressive Abbreviations are used in list comprehensions, lambda functions, local helper functions.
  • Aggressive Abbreviations are sometimes used for local temporary variables inside a function.
  • Common Abbreviations are used most elsewhere, especially for function arguments, function names, and variables
  • Light or No Abbreviations are used for module names, class names or constructor methods, since they basically live forever. However, when a class or module is very popular, we could consider using abbreviations to shorten its name.

This document lists abbreviations of common concepts that are consistently used across the whole fastai project. For naming of domain-specific concepts, you should check their corresponding module documentations. Concepts are grouped and listed by semantic order. Note that there are always exceptions, especially when we try to comply with the naming convention in a library.

Concept Abbr. Combination Examples
multiple of something (plural) s xs, ys, tfms, args, ss
internal property or method _ data_, V_()
check if satisfied is_ is_reg, is_multi, is_single, is_test
On/off a feature use_ use_bn
Number of something (plural) n_ n_embs, n_factors, n_users, n_items
count something num_ num_features(), num_gpus()
convert to something to_ to_gpu(), to_cpu(), to_np()
Convert between concepts 2 name2idx(), label2idx(), seq2seq
function f
input x
key k
value v
index i
object o
variable v V(), VV()
tensor t T()
array a A()
use first letter weight -> w, model -> m
function fn opt_fn, init_fn, reg_fn
process proc proc_col
transform tfm tfm_y, TfmType
evaluate eval eval()
argument arg
input x
input / output io
object obj
string s
class cls
source src
destination dst
directory dir
percentage p
ratio, proportion of something r
count cnt
configuration cfg
random rand
utility util
threshold thresh
number of elements n
number of batches nb
length len
size sz
array arr label_arr
dictionary dict
sequence seq
dataset ds
dataloader dl
dataframe df
train trn trn_ds
validation val val_ds
number of classes c
batch b
batch size bs
multiple targets multi is_multi
regression reg is_reg
iterate, iterator iter trn_iter, val_iter
input x
target y
prediction pred
output out
column col
continuous cont conts, cont_cols
category cat cats, cat_cols
index idx
identity id
first element head
last element tail
unique uniq
residual res
label lbl (not common)
augment aug
padding pad
probability pr
image img
rectangle rect
color colr
anchor box anc
bounding box bb
initialize init
language model lm
recurrent neural network rnn
convolutional neural network convnet
model data md
linear lin
embedding emb
batch norm bn
dropout drop
fully connected fc
convolution conv
hidden hid
optimizer (e.g. Adam) opt
layer group learning rate optimizer layer_opt
criteria crit
weight decay wd
momentum mom
cross validation cv
learning rate lr
schedule sched
cycle length cl
multiplier mult
activation actn
CV computer vision
figure fig
image im
transform image using opencv _cv zoom_cv(), rotate_cv(), stretch_cv()
NLP natural language processing (nlp)
token tok
sequence length sl
back propagation through time bptt

Module Decisions

There are many ways of doing one thing in programming. Instead of getting into debates about the one right way of doing things, in fastai library we would like to make decisions and then stick with them. This page is to list down any such decisions made.

Image Data

  • Coordinates
  • Computer vision uses coordinates in format (x, y). e.g. PIL
  • Maths uses (y, x). e.g. Numpy, PyTorch
  • fastai will use (y, x)
  • Bounding Boxes
  • Will use (coordinates top right, coordinates bottom right) instead of (coordinates top right, (height, width))

Testing Style

We chose pytest as a framework since it’s more modern, concise, and recommended by coders.

We also try to follow this suggestion from the python testing guide:

Use long and descriptive names for testing functions. The style guide here is slightly different than that of running code, where short names are often preferred. The reason is testing functions are never called explicitly. square() or even sqr() is ok in running code, but in testing code you would have names such as test_square_of_number_2(), test_square_negative_number(). These function names are displayed when a test fails, and should be as descriptive as possible.

More generally, aim to write tests that also explain the code they are testing. A really good test suite can also serve as really good documentation.

Testing patterns

  • Do not use mock or fake objects. The library is nice enough that real versions of required objects can be used without prohibitive overhead.
  • Keep test methods small and tidy, just like any other code.
  • Aim to add a regression test as part of any bug fix PR.
  • Add tests before refactoring, so they can help prove correctness.


Why not use PEP 8?
I don't think it's ideal for the style of programming that we use, or for math-heavy code. If you've never used anything except PEP 8, here's a chance to experiment and learn something new!
My editor is complaining about PEP 8 violations in fastai; what should I do?
Pretty much all editors have the ability to disable linting for a project; figure out how to do that in your editor.
Are you worried that using a different style guide might put off new contributors?
Not really. We're really not that fussy about style, so we won't be rejecting PRs that aren't formatted according to this document. And whilst there are people around who are so closed-minded that they can't handle new things, they're certainly not the kind of people we want to be working with!